Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We have a Baby Boy!

I am visiting in Seattle and helping out now that we have a wonderful new member of our family. Atticus Ryan Ronald was born on January 28th at 8:44am and weighed 8 lbs 2 oz. It was a blizzard the morning the kids headed to the hospital and we were totally surprised to wake up with Elsie at home to a heavy layer of snow outside. We took our time and waited for the rush hour traffic to subside before joining the kids and Atty at the hospital. I don't remember snow in Seattle like they get it now, every year!

Elsie is a wonderful sister most of the time. She kisses and hugs him and feels the need to cover him with a blanket and offers binkies to him - however when we went to get Mommy and the baby to bring them home, Elsie was a bit confused as to why he was in the car with us too. She hadn't figured he'd be coming home too and sticking around. Most of the time she's busy with me or her folks and ignores him. If he cries she gets a bit upset but is quickly calmed and distracted.

He looks just like his little sister Elsie did when she was born, except he frowns all the time and hates to be naked. He sleeps most of the time and eats and we change diapers a LOT but other than that he's pretty quiet and uneventful. We still have to pinch ourselves and remind each other that we really have a baby boy with us now. She was Ms. Mellow about most things but he has definate dislikes and lets them be known. Baths and diaper changes lead the list of least liked activities.

Elsie on the other hand is an amazing little creature and I love spending every day with her. She is vocal and has opinions on everything - and loves her 'Nona' with lots of hugs and kisses every day. We play and read and since I didn't feel like lifting and carrying her everywhere, she is now a full on walker. It started with me holding her hand and her walking with me, and now she stands up and walks off on her own. We make a big deal about it each time and she feeds on the praise and does it more and more! She gets up with the help of holding on to a piece of furniture or my legs and then off she goes to see Daddy, Mommy or baby Atty.

Being a girlie girl myself, I have convinced Elsie to let me brush and add ribbons and a topnot pony tail to her hair. She looks adorable and seems to enjoy the added attention! Her mother makes fun of me and her dad is his usual sarcastic self about the whole thing and asks "what the H--- did you do to my kids' hair?" to which we all protest loudly until he finally admits it looks cute. (I win!!) Now her poor Mom will have hair to do on top of a baby to keep fed and bathed in the mornings.....sorry.

I will head back to Phoenix on Saturday and out of habit will watch Sesame Street to stay up on Elmo, Grover, Abby and Big Bird just so I can converse with Elsie about the latest events. It's our special time and I will miss it so much!!

Everyday I try to figure out how to move back so I can see my kids more. Phoenix is just too far away and I love the chaos and love this house surrounds you with, just by being in it.

I'll write again soon. Thanks for stopping by!


Dreaming in Colors

Crafting with Nona

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