Saturday, July 19, 2008

One of the Very Special Wonders in my Life

I was told recently that there is a special little person in my life that never gets mentioned in my blog. I'm afraid this is true and I must correct this error. Atticus is my grandson who is 6 month old and a joy to everyone in his life. He always smiles and laughs and is Mr. Chill. His sister EQ was the first born and has always held a special place in my heart. When Atty was born I just couldn't imagine loving him the way I did his sister. Well, it's incredible how big our hearts really are, and how when another person comes along, you find you are just as smitten with him as you were with the first one. It really is amazing. I look forward to enjoying both of my little ones as they discover and grow, and while his parents will probably have him playing sports and being all boy, his Nona will sneak in some classical music, museums and beaches as much as possible. His slideshow is at the bottom of the blog page.

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